In Memory of ...

Tippi Faye by Rick and Marie Laird

Tippi Faye, Rick and Marie Laird’s cat by Valerie Fannin

Carol Hausman by Tamara Lynch

Dr. Colleen Prather’s Mother by Valerie Fannin

Leila Mae Asche by Valerie Fannin

Karen Searson by Megan Verardo

Katie Sipling by Tamara Lynch

Germaine Armstrong by Tamara Lynch

Nelda Harding by Laurie Webber

Nelda Harding by Ninna Chaffee

Bill Hausman by Tamara Lynch

Shirley Fannin who would have turned 84 on August 13, 2020 by Valerie Fannin

Nikki Anderson by Diana Anderson

Jack and Shirley Fannin by Valerie Fannin, December 2019

Shirley Fannin by Valerie Fannin

Shirley Fannin by Marie & Rick Fannin -Laird

Elizabeth Gaal by Tamara Lynch

Ellie O’Brien by Eloise Reed

Nikki Anderson by Diana Anderson

Dave Raymond by Larry Conti

Donis Ruth Geroy by Norman Cook

Jack Fannin by Marie Fannin-Laird

Holli Trailor by Krystyna Horden

Holli Trailor by Michelle Pestana

Holli Trailor by Brenda Johannson

Holli Trailor by Patricia Jewel

Holli Trailor by Ellen Hunt

Holli Trailor by Christine Murphy

Bennye Davis by Mary G. Brown

Mary Cadwalader by Linda & Miguel Haro

Mary Cadwalader by Sharon Lincoln

Mary Cadwalader by Sally & William Chandler

Mary Cadwalader by David & Linda Hardie

Mary Cadwalader by Katherine Maxwell

Mary Cadwalader by Becki Jackson

Mary Cadwalader by Duane & Loraine Patterson

Mary Cadwalader by Cathy Rix, Robert Foster, Lynn & Gino Gandolfi

Mary Cadwalader by Danna & Don Lombardi

Mary Cadwalader by Jerrilyn Holdridge

Mary Cadwalader by Joanne Thomson

Mary Cadwalader by Jim Umenhofer & Gloria Rodgers

Mary Cadwalader by Christine Wilder

Nancy J. Davis by Eric Biggerstaff

Dorene Dominguez by T.O.P.S. 1823

Pet Memorials

Tinker Valerie Fannin’s cat by Rick & Marie Fannin-Laird

Tuffy lost to the Camp Fire by William Greenleaf

Turbo Snell by Don and Barbara Snell

Curley Tupelo by Valerie Fannin

Curley Tupelo by Shirley Fannin

Curley Tupelo by Marie Fannin-Laird

Chance by Jack Jernigan

Contact Details

TOPCats on the Ridge Inc.
PO Box 2281
Paradise, CA 95967

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This is Peach. Her right ear was tipped meaning she has been spayed and vaccinated. Eartipping is the universal sign of a neutered feral cat. The procedure involves removing approximately a quarter-inch off the tip of the cat's left ear in a straight line cut. This is done while the cat is anesthetized for spay/neutering and healing is rapid. This avoids needless trapping and surgery.
Alley Cat Allies is the only national advocacy organization dedicated to the protection and humane treatment of cats.
Neighborhood Cats believes Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is the most humane and effective method available to end the severe feral cat overpopulation crisis faced by this country.